Luchador themed taco truck concept for coursework

I had the idea of combining the words lunch and luchador for a taco truck. I wanted to incorporate imagery from the world of Lucha Libre, including the color palette, bold typefaces, and a rough, handmade texture.

I decided to screen print the wrappers on brown paper for a simple look that accents the colors. The blue layer was used for each product, and the white layer was added to distinguish which product was inside. The faded texture is engineered into the artwork.

_0000s_0000_wrappers web.jpg
_0000s_0001_wrapperpic web.jpg

Soda Cups: Designed in Illustrator and rendered in Blender.

_0000s_0002_cups web.jpg
_0000s_0003_cup-party web.jpg

To Go bags: Designed in Illustrator and rendered in Blender.


T Shirt


Wordmark Variants and Social Media prompt for packaging